



social, digital, merch, In-store, influencer & video.


Background: 24 million Gen Z’ers were eligible to vote in the 2020 election, yet many were not registered and don’t have sufficient knowledge about voting.
Insight: Gen Z’ers are some of the most socially conscious and technologically literate generation. They are changemakers by nature, and voting is a change-making action.
Solution: Create a nonpartisan social campaign that partners with Rock the Vote that educates, inspires, and energizes Gen Z’ers into taking action and registering to vote using digital platforms that connect natively with them.


Generation Voter

To get Gen Z' ers hyped, we needed to create an identifier that speaks to their generation by creating a sense of community for those looking to make an impact by voting and staying up to date on politics. We called it “Generation Voter.” We set up a pledge, asking them to make a commitment to vote and encourage their friends and family to do the same.




We then created the #GenerationVoterChallenge. The first step? Register to vote. After they register, they are asked to screenshot the post and share it on their social media. From there, they can challenge their friends to register and vote in the 2020 presidential election.



Answering common voting q’s from our target audience.


Instagram Live

We then partnered with influencers and political activists like Ambers Closet, Sami Banat, Aijamay Rock, and Estefania Giraldo & conducted candid discussions surrounding the voting process. We provided educational resources as well as context as to why voting is important, especially for marginalized groups.




Collectible Screensavers




AD: Christina Isaiah
CW: Heather Gaskell
CD: CJ Paisley